Crème of the Crop Egg Hunters on fine form Rarely is humankind’s innate skill and expertise in ‘hunter-gathering’ more fully on display than at the annual Rothiemurchus Easter Egg Hunt, which took place last Sunday amidst record Spring temperatures. Across a morning and an afternoon session, about 150 extremely eager (and extremely hungry) youngsters put… Read more »
Keeping an eye out keeps fire out NO FIRES (however small!) We have had an extraordinarily dry few weeks this Easter. Lack of rain, coupled with high temperatures and strong winds mean that we are only one misplaced BBQ, a casually tossed aside cigarette or one careless campfire away from a forest or moorland fire… Read more »
From Winter hibernation to a Spring awakening – what do the Rangers do at the start of every year? ‘Ne’er cast a clout till May be out’. So runs the old adage, which can be interpreted a couple of ways. Keep warm clothing on till the end of the month of May or alternatively, until… Read more »
Roast Beef with Chimichurri Sauce Rothiemurchus Highland beef is the star of this dish that puts a fresh Spring twist on a classic dish. There are few things that feel more special than sitting down to a roast dinner with family or friends. The first thing you will need to do is select the size and… Read more »
Easter Holidays at Rothiemurchus Set in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park just 5 minutes from Aviemore, Rothiemurchus is the ideal destination for a family holiday over the 2019 Easter break. With a whole host of outdoor activities on offer, whether you are looking for an exhilarating experience or a relaxing family outing we offer… Read more »
You cannot help but be mesmerised to the skies during March to September. For many that is simply longing for the sun to break through the cloud but for others it is the chance of seeing the Ospreys pass above as they search from height for their next prey. The BBC series “Highlands: Scotland’s Wild… Read more »